Cigarette Pack Paintings
While under the lock down from COVID-19, with art supplies limited, I started repurposing empty packs of cigarettes into canvases. I covered the packs with paper from junk mail using gel medium. All are mixed media sized 3 7/16” h x 2 3/16” w x 7/8” d.
“King Eight” (2021) - BUY
“The Nun” (2021) - BUY
“The Nervous Robot” (2021) - BUY
“Beetle” (2021) - BUY
“Eye Anemone” (2021) - SOLD
“King of Lottery (King Five)” (2021) - SOLD
“King Three” (2021) - SOLD
“King One” (2021) - SOLD
“Frong (Black and White)” (2020) - BUY
“Rodney” (2020) - BUY
“Calaveras” (2020) - SOLD
“Voodoo” (2020) - SOLD
“Skull” (2020) - SOLD
“George The Robot” (2020) - BUY
“Triceratops” (2020) - BUY
“Invisible Man” (2020) - BUY
“Monster” (2020) - BUY
“T-Rex” (2020) - BUY
“The Bride” (2020) - BUY
“Robot With Balloons” (2020) - BUY
“Lost In Space” (2020) - SOLD
“Poison Dart Frog”(2020) - SOLD
“Tin” (2020) - SOLD
“Cyberman” (2020) - SOLD
“Shark Attack” (2020) - BUY
Untitled (2020) - BUY
“Disco Pigeon” (2020) - BUY
“Ike the Cobra” (2020) - BUY
“Owl” (2020) - BUY
“ZAP” (2022) - BUY
“The Jester” (2021) - BUY
“Red Eye” (2021) - BUY
“White Oleander” (2021) - SOLD
“House Sparrow” (2021) - SOLD
“The Sleep Bug” (2021) - SOLD
“King Four” (2021) - SOLD
“King Two” (2021) - SOLD
“Sudokrow” (2021) - BUY
“Ack-Ack” (2020) - BUY
“Obey, Buy, Conform, Consume” (2020) - SOLD
“With Teeth” (2020) - BUY
“Plague Doctor” (2020) - BUY
“Robot Goldfish” (2020) - SOLD
“Hammerhead” (2020) - BUY
“Brachiosaurus” (2020) - BUY
“Sleestak” (2020) - BUY
“Marvin” (2020) - SOLD
“Blue Bird” (2020) - BUY
“Orange Robot” (2020) - BUY
“Heart” (2020) - SOLD
“Tree Frog” (2020) - SOLD
“Disco Swamp Donkey” (2020) - BUY
“Robbie” (2020) - SOLD
“Disco Squirrel” (2020) - BUY
“Disco Grizzly” (2020) - BUY
“Phoenix” (2020) - BUY
Untitled (2020) - BUY
“Milkweed” (2020) - BUY
“Aquarium” (2020) - SOLD